About us

About us

We are a team of 15 specialists with one common goal: To support you in all things concerning soft- and hardware products for Digital Forensics, OSINT and eDiscovery. Full service, zero troubles, one contact: Arina.

Our mission

With our knowledge and our experience, we advise and support our customers in important strategic decisions concerning Digital Investigations and the infrastructure required for them. We offer resources to implement comprehensive projects promptly, from the evaluation phase until completion.

We strive to be internationally renowned for our excellent service and are committed to identifying trends early and preparing our clients for possible risks.

Our Locations

  • 20220611 171635

    Headquarters Switzerland

    Arina AG
    Postfach 97
    7550 Scuol

    Tel. +41 58 510 63 50

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    Branch near Zürich

    Arina AG
    Am Stadtrand 11
    8600 Dübendorf

    Tel. +41 58 510 63 50

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    Headquarters Germany

    Arina Deutschland GmbH
    Friedrichstrasse 1A
    80801 München

    Tel. +49 8221 968 30 30

Your opinion matters to us

We value the close cooperation with our suppliers and clients. Let us know about your thoughts on our offers and services and write us a review!

What our customers think about us

«Dear Arina, thank you so much for your reactivity! I am usually in a hurry, but I wanted to pause for a moment and tell all the Arina team that I appreciate working with you very much.»


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