ShadowDragon SocialNet

Social Net

Like most of us, criminals enjoy the benefits of online activities and social networking. SocialNet™ captures these digital tracks, maps against their aliases, and explores their connections in near real time to expedite your investigations and threat analysis.

SocialNet performs automated searches of social networks and online accountbased activities by email addresses, aliases, and names. The results are visualized in minutes to reveal detailed correlations, larger networks of associates, and more.

Uncover identities, correlations, networks of associates, and available geographical information in just minutes.

  • Identities


    Map out identities online and connections between those identities.

  • Correlations


    Follow the breadcrumbs of your target’s digital life and find hidden correlations in your research.

  • Networks of associates

    Networks of Associates

    Make connections between bad actors and visualize their networks.

  • Geography


    Create a map of suspicious activity and follow your suspect’s trail.

Your contact person for ShadowDragon SocialNet

  • Lukas Bauer
    Lukas Bauer Product Manager OSINT & Digital Forensics

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